Mé·tier [mey-tyey], noun: an occupation or activity that one is good at; an outstanding or advantageous characteristic.
The idea for Métier originated from a common need I found throughout multiple communities of people with niche passions and interests: to have a dating platform where they can meet people who are equally passionate about the things they love, no matter how small their niche may be. I set out to create an interest-targeted dating app where users can showcase their passions and tailor their dating feed preferences to show others who share their same specific interests. Users can add their passions to the app, allowing the interface to constantly grow with areas of interests. Métier also includes a "Community" feature, where people with shared interests can discuss their passions and plan local mixers where users can continue their dating experience outside of the app.
Graphis New Talent Annual 2021, Honorable Mention;
American Advertising Federation Dallas, Bronze ADDY